Catalog Advertising Deadline August 15th, 2024
Catalog advertising rate: B/W page, $45.00
Camera Ready Ads
Page setup is 8.5’H x 5.5″W, with .5″ margins on all sides; nothing can be outside the margins. Email your completed ad to Michele at
If you have questions regarding camera‐ready ad setup, contact Michele.
Camera-ready ads may be prepared in Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, or Quark, exported to PDF. NO ADS PREPARED IN WORD OR POWERPOINT WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Non-Camera-Ready Ads
Email copy & photo with your name, address to
Digital photo files should be at least 1 MB in size. Type all ad copy. Composition will be made at our discretion.
We have multiple options for you to pay for your ads:
- You can pay for your catalog ad when you sign up for Specialty events on the Master Registration Form.
- Ask for a PayPal invoice. Email Lisa or Courtnie.
- Or… use the convenient form below to upload your photos and type in your copy and instructions. When you hit Submit, you’ll go automatically to PayPal for payment.
Submit Your Ad Online!
You can use this form to send your ad directly to Michele and pay for it at the same time.